The Woodbury Tithe Map of 1839
This is an enhanced copy of the Woodbury Tithe Map of 1839 which has now been made interactive, so you can have a look around and see the extent of the various farms, how some were really scattered, and some were really small. (You no longer need to have Photoshop to be able to view it, as it has been moved on to another more user friendly program, which enables all to be able to see it via a link). Some farmers were farming several farms at the same time, none of which is apparent if just looking at a plain paper map.
If you click on the link shown at the bottom of the page, the map will load up. * You need to allow at least one minute for it to load, as it is a large image with almost 300 layers. The only controls that you need to use are the hand symbol (to move the map around), and click the magnifying glass symbol (to enlarge the map up). To reduce it down, hold down the Alt key on your PC keyboard and click the magnifying glass at the same time. Both of these symbols are almost at the bottom of the left hand column.
To look around the map you need to work from the right hand column. Rotate the wheel on your mouse to move down the list.To look at specific farms, you need to click the boxes containing the colours, which will then show a selected symbol, or the other boxes in that column without colours. The colours indicate the relevant landowners, Green being for the Rolle Estate etc.The other major landowners are shown at the bottom of the right hand column by pressing the ‘Major Landowners’ button. The colours in the fields show the cropping pattern, details of which are shown at the bottom of the base map. (Basically, green is grass and brown is arable). All the non coloured boxes, indicate that those properties were privately owned. Some of the boxes appear not to show anything when you click them, purely because they might be individual houses, and are like a full stop on a 10 feet square map! If the map is enlarged to its maximum, it will bring up most of them, but you need to know where to look! They normally have a yellow curtilage, or perhaps a coloured field perhaps including a dwelling. You cannot see the whole map on your screen when enlarged up, so you have to move it around. Also, in the right hand column you will see that there is a small triangle beside some of the boxes at the top end of this list. This indicates that the named person operated several farms. Click this triangle to see his other farms, and then click on each farm to bring it up, as before. Once you have got used to the basics, you will find it quite easy to use!
When you have finished viewing, just exit the map and any selections that you have made will disappear, leaving the map ready for someone else to look at.
Created by Roger Stokes between 2009 - 2024.
This is an enhanced copy of the Woodbury Tithe Map of 1839 which has now been made interactive, so you can have a look around and see the extent of the various farms, how some were really scattered, and some were really small. (You no longer need to have Photoshop to be able to view it, as it has been moved on to another more user friendly program, which enables all to be able to see it via a link). Some farmers were farming several farms at the same time, none of which is apparent if just looking at a plain paper map.
If you click on the link shown at the bottom of the page, the map will load up. * You need to allow at least one minute for it to load, as it is a large image with almost 300 layers. The only controls that you need to use are the hand symbol (to move the map around), and click the magnifying glass symbol (to enlarge the map up). To reduce it down, hold down the Alt key on your PC keyboard and click the magnifying glass at the same time. Both of these symbols are almost at the bottom of the left hand column.
To look around the map you need to work from the right hand column. Rotate the wheel on your mouse to move down the list.To look at specific farms, you need to click the boxes containing the colours, which will then show a selected symbol, or the other boxes in that column without colours. The colours indicate the relevant landowners, Green being for the Rolle Estate etc.The other major landowners are shown at the bottom of the right hand column by pressing the ‘Major Landowners’ button. The colours in the fields show the cropping pattern, details of which are shown at the bottom of the base map. (Basically, green is grass and brown is arable). All the non coloured boxes, indicate that those properties were privately owned. Some of the boxes appear not to show anything when you click them, purely because they might be individual houses, and are like a full stop on a 10 feet square map! If the map is enlarged to its maximum, it will bring up most of them, but you need to know where to look! They normally have a yellow curtilage, or perhaps a coloured field perhaps including a dwelling. You cannot see the whole map on your screen when enlarged up, so you have to move it around. Also, in the right hand column you will see that there is a small triangle beside some of the boxes at the top end of this list. This indicates that the named person operated several farms. Click this triangle to see his other farms, and then click on each farm to bring it up, as before. Once you have got used to the basics, you will find it quite easy to use!
When you have finished viewing, just exit the map and any selections that you have made will disappear, leaving the map ready for someone else to look at.
Created by Roger Stokes between 2009 - 2024.